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Favorite chocolate chip cookies (vegan and whole wheat!)

11 Sep

We had a late night hankering for chocolate chip cookies and made my favorite recipe.  As an added bonus it just happens to be whole wheat too!  I use either flax meal or Ener-G in place of egg and Earth Balance or homemade margarine in place of butter. If you use Earth Balance, I’d use 3/4 cup instead of a full cup or it’ll be too greasy.


Usually I just use plain chocolate chips (Ghirardelli or Guittard semi sweet) but this time I did half white chocolate chips.  So good! I got these from Vegan Haven in Seattle and they’re the best vegan white chips I’ve found.


Vegan meringue cookies

14 Dec

I’ve been itching to make meringue cookies since I saw the recipe in Hannah Kaminsky’s new book Vegan Desserts. It’s funny, I know egg whites are just protein, but for some reason the concept of meringue always grossed me out and ruined my ability to enjoy the cookie. I think part of it had to do with the smell of raw egg whites as they’re beating up…I’ve always had a strange aversion to eggs so I was super excited to find a vegan equivalent!

The vegan version relies on whipped Ener-G egg replacer, so it’s actually a very easy recipe! You really do need a stand mixer though so that you can whip at high speed.


I made the vanilla flavored cookies, which tasted a lot like crispy marshmallows. In truth I don’t really remember what meringue cookies taste like, I just remember the texture, which these mimic perfectly. I can taste a little of the egg replacer so I think some stronger flavors would be really good, like maybe matcha or lemon, or strawberry. The book recommends adding some cocoa powder to make chocolate cookies, which sounds amazeballs to me. Maybe putting some jelly on the top of the vanilla ones would be good too.

I copied an idea from this month’s Sunset magazine and made chocolate candy cane cookies. It was super easy, just (carefully!) dip the cookies in some melted chocolate and sprinkle them with crushed candy canes. They are so yummy!


MoFo #20: I prefer my desserts in threes

25 Oct

Actually, these are the contents of a gift box I sent to my mom.  For her birthday I decided to do a sweetie of the month for the next year.  I fell behind in September so I made an extra large package this month:


-Red velvet loaf with cream cheese frosting: I saw this at a coffee shop recently.  What a cool idea!  I like being able to see the red cake with an outline of frosting.  I just used the red velvet cupcake recipe from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World and baked it in a loaf pan for about 15 min longer than you would bake the cupcakes.  It came out great!

-Oatmeal sandwich cookies from the Sunny Days in Texas Zine

Chocolate peanut butter pillows from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar

Of course, I saved a few for myself! 🙂