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When in doubt, roast

22 Sep

Two MoFo posts in one day! Trying to catch up a bit 🙂

When I looked in my fridge yesterday I felt pretty overwhelmed by all the veggies.  A combination of being sick and busy left me with a fridge filled with 2 weeks worth of CSA veggies, farmers’ market finds, and some generous gifts from friends with overflowing backyard gardens. Everything was nearing its prime so I decided to cut it all up, toss with some olive oil, salt, and pepper and have a roasting party.

Onions,  baby sweet potatoes, carrots, yellow crook neck squash, and button mushrooms:


Purple & white cauliflower and green beans:


Fancy tomatoes…the end product wasn’t super photogenic so here’s they are pre-roast:




Whew, half a fridge condensed down into a few tupperware containers!  It’s so easy, too. I actually prefer to broil veggies because I have a cruddy electric oven that doesn’t bake very well. Broiling increases the heat and adds some nice smoky char. Some of this we’ll have over quinoa along with chickpea cutlets and the rest might make its way into a roasted veggie soup.  Yum,  I’m excited!

I still have a bit more work on my hands though! Look at all those peppers!


MoFo #15: Sweet potato baked oatmeal

15 Oct

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I’m constantly amazed by the recipe ideas I find online and the fact that I’m the millionth person to think of them (and also that so many recipes are vegan without me including “vegan” in my search term.  Yay vegan bloggers!)!  I had a sweet potato, bananas, and oatmeal at home and thought I would make some kind of healthy baked oatmeal casserole to incorporate them all.  Well, googling that will bring up a ton of hits and I decided to try this one from Oh She Glows.


I pureed the sweet potato and banana so that the filling (which includes oats, chia seeds, soy milk, maple syrup, and spices) would be nice and creamy.  It’s topped with a pecan crumble that is absolutely delicious.  I thought it was a perfect fall breakfast treat; Mr. Chickpea thought the filling should be sweeter (more like a dessert!) and thought nuts mixed in to the filling would be really good.
